
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Estonian word of the day- Goose

Estonian word of the day- Goose


Friday, November 21, 2014

Estonian word of the day - Chimney

Learn a little Estonian everyday with the free Estonian Word of the Day. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

chimney - korsten

Estonian word of the day - Rat

Learn a little Estonian everyday with the free Estonian Word of the Day. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

Estonian word of the day - Rat

rat - rott

Estonian word of the day- Frankfurter

Learn a little Estonian everyday with the free Estonian Word of the Day. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

frankfurter - viiner

Estonian word of the day- Tyre

Learn a little Estonian everyday with the free Estonian Word of the Day. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

Tyre - rehv